actual picture of a line for folks trying to see the Breaking Dawn Part 1
Calling all Twihards! Breaking Dawn Part 1 opens nationwide on November 18 but you already know this since you've been counting down the minutes for the past several months. What if we said that we had a few tickets for a special premiere on Wednesday, November 16--a full 2 days ahead of when everyone will get their first chance to see it.
Well, it's true and your pals at Cupcake Royale want to hook you up with one of the 25 pairs of tickets we will be giving away. For the next five days leading up to the preview, everyone who purchases a cupcake at one of our five cafes will be eligible to enter to win a Twilight Prize Pack, which includes 2 hats, 2 t-shirts plus a pair of tickets for the Wednesday, November 16 screening at 6pm. We will randomly pick one name every day for each cafe (five daily winners)! And all you have to do is purchase a cupcake. If you're counting calories, surprise a friend with a cupcake--they don't need to know that you're tying to win a contest.
Also, we'll be selling special Twilight-themed cupcakes for the next five days! Oh snap, we caught Twilight Fever!